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Brooklyn Heights Synagogue

131 Remsen St brooklyn heights synagogue brooklynheightssynagogue remsensinagogasla reforma synagogues reform sinagogas de la реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 синагоги 犹太教堂 131 remsen st 11201 0

Congregation Beth Elohim

274 Garfield Pl congregation beth elohim congregationbethelohim elohimpark slope synagoguesbrooklyn ballroomoffices handball courtsmaintainspool gymnasium chapelseating capacitythan people provides administers centersprograms park synagogues reform sinagogas de la reforma реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 синагоги 犹太教堂 brooklyn 274 garfield pl the temple house a part of is six story building that features social halls and meeting rooms facility also library ballroom administrative offices courts it maintains swimming pool s chapel has seating capacity more than 120 organizes variety cultural educational activities space for receptions other gatherings in addition classrooms religious school early childhood after recreational centers summer camps enrichment programs 11215 0 house elohim six story rooms library ballroom courts gymnasium people social activities gatherings addition school after school centers programs

Union Temple of Brooklyn

17 Eastern Pkwy union temple of brooklyn uniontempleofbrooklyn heightseastern pkwy sinagogasla reforma prospect heights synagogues reform sinagogas de la реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 синагоги 犹太教堂 17 eastern 11238 0

Temple Beth Emeth

83 Marlborough Rd temple beth emeth templebethemeth emethprospectsouth synagoguesbrooklyn marlborough sinagogas reforma prospect park south synagogues reform синагоги 犹太教堂 de la реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 brooklyn 83 rd 11226 0

Progressive Temple Beth Ahavat Sholom

1515 46th St progressive temple beth ahavat sholom progressivetemplebethahavatsholom placesworship reformaiglesias lugares culto borough park synagogues reform churches & places of worship sinagogas de la reforma реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 синагоги 犹太教堂 iglesias y церкви и места отправления культа 教堂和礼拜场所 brooklyn 1515 46th st 11219 0

Ocean Ave Jewish Center

2600 Ocean Ave ocean ave jewish center oceanavejewishcenter avecenterhomecrest synagogueschurches placesworship brooklynsinagogas reforma iglesias lugares culto homecrest synagogues reform churches & places of worship sinagogas синагоги 犹太教堂 de la реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 y церкви и места отправления культа 教堂和礼拜场所 brooklyn 2600 11229 0

Congregation Mt Sinai

250 Cadman Plz W congregation mt sinai congregationmtsinai cadman plz sinagogasla reforma iglesias lugares cultoorganizaciones religiosas brooklyn heights reform synagogues churches & places of worship religious organizations sinagogas de la реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 y culto церкви и места отправления культа 教堂和礼拜场所 синагоги 犹太教堂 organizaciones религиозные организации 宗教组织 250 w 11201 0

Shaare Shalom Congregation

2021 Avenue S shaare shalom congregation shaareshalomcongregation brooklynavenue sinagogasla reforma iglesias lugares cultoorganizaciones religiosas sheepshead bay reform synagogues churches & places of worship religious organizations sinagogas de la реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 y culto церкви и места отправления культа 教堂和礼拜场所 синагоги 犹太教堂 organizaciones религиозные организации 宗教组织 brooklyn 2021 avenue s 11229 0

Congregation Bais Medrash Averichim

1112 Avenue O congregation bais medrash averichim congregationbaismedrashaverichim placesworship avenue sinagogasiglesias lugaresculto organizaciones religiosas midwood synagogues churches & places of worship religious organizations reform sinagogas синагоги 犹太教堂 iglesias y lugares de culto церкви и места отправления культа 教堂和礼拜场所 религиозные организации 宗教组织 la reforma реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 brooklyn 1112 o 11230 0

Congregation Rachnistivka

1164 45th St congregation rachnistivka congregationrachnistivka rachnistivkaborough religiosas iglesias lugares culto borough park reform synagogues religious organizations churches & places of worship sinagogas de la reforma реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 синагоги 犹太教堂 organizaciones религиозные организации 宗教组织 y церкви и места отправления культа 教堂和礼拜场所 brooklyn 1164 45th st 11219 0

Khal Vyoel Moshe

1352 49th St khal vyoel moshe khalvyoelmoshe mosheborough religiosas iglesias lugares culto borough park reform synagogues religious organizations churches & places of worship sinagogas de la reforma реформа синагог 改革犹太教堂 синагоги 犹太教堂 organizaciones религиозные организации 宗教组织 y церкви и места отправления культа 教堂和礼拜场所 brooklyn 1352 49th st 11219 0

Certified Mohel Rb. Nechemia Markovits

16 Sumner Pl

Board Certified Mohel, Ritual Circumcision 

Practicing in NYC TriState area and beyond

certified mohel rb nechemia markovits certifiedmohelrb nechemiamarkovits rb certifiedmohelrb nechemiamarkovits rbnechemia markovitsrb educationbrooklyn sumner centroscirug aasesoramiento religioso organizaciones religiosas clero nacimiento crianza educaci servicios bushwick surgery centers religious counseling organizations clergy birth & parenting education services centros de cirugía хирургические центры 手术中心 asesoramiento религиозное консультирование 宗教咨询 религиозные организации 宗教组织 духовенство 牧师 y educación родовые и родительские образование услуги 出生和育儿中心,教育和服务 brooklyn 16 pl 11206 m b bris milah institute nechemiamarkovitsm certifiedmohelbrismilahinstitute markovitsmohel institutem rabbififth generation ctbeyond ritual nonall affiliations society beth din londonchief england lord immanuel jacobowitz rabbi is a fifth practicing jewish circumsicion in ny nj pa ct and beyond synagogue home hospitals new york has been performing brit circumcisions for both infants adults over 28 years practiced the united states abroad jews non of all backgrounds orthodox conservative reform etc highly professional expert by medical board initiation london ordained chief 0 parenting centers m b mohel ny nj pa ct beyond synagogue home hospitals brit milah years abroad and non jews orthodox conservative reform etc london england jacobowitz

Nechemia Markovits M.B., Certified Mohel | Bris Milah Institute

16 Sumner Pl nechemia markovits m b certified mohel bris milah institute nechemiamarkovitsm b certifiedmohelbrismilahinstitute m b nechemiamarkovitsm certifiedmohelbrismilahinstitute markovitsmohel institutem educationbrooklyn sumner rabbififth generation ctbeyond ritual nonall affiliations society beth din londonchief england lord immanuel jacobowitz centroscirug aasesoramiento religioso organizaciones religiosas clero nacimiento crianza educaci bushwick surgery centers religious counseling organizations clergy birth & parenting education services centros de cirugía хирургические центры 手术中心 asesoramiento религиозное консультирование 宗教咨询 религиозные организации 宗教组织 духовенство 牧师 y educación servicios родовые и родительские образование услуги 出生和育儿中心,教育和服务 brooklyn 16 pl rabbi is a fifth practicing jewish circumsicion in ny nj pa ct and beyond synagogue home hospitals new york has been performing brit circumcisions for both infants adults over 28 years practiced the united states abroad jews non of all backgrounds orthodox conservative reform etc highly professional expert by medical board initiation london ordained chief 11206 0 parenting centers m b mohel ny nj pa ct beyond synagogue home hospitals brit milah years abroad and non jews orthodox conservative reform etc london england jacobowitz